A tokenomics model is a key piece of information required to list on any exchange. It sits somewhere between a business plan, a financial model and a monetary policy framework for your token. It takes into account the interest of all stakeholders in the way of demand and supply assumption. Its main goal is to provide you with a benchmark model for a stable ecosystem for your token.

About us

Leandro Marcarian

LM tokenomics is a tokenomics consulting company. Our CEO and Lead tokenomics consultant is Leandro Marcarian, an economist with over 10 years of experience in the world of crypto, data analysis and market research.

He holds a postgraduate degree in economics from the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, two executive education programs from the International Monetary Fund and Harvard University and concluded the MSc Financial Economics program at Birkbeck, University of London with merits.

Why do you need a professional design of your tokenomics model

Tokenomics is to your crypto what the Central Bank is to fiat currency. When developing a tokenomics model you are making decisions about how the supply and demand of that token will behave. Therefore, much care must be put into the correct design of the incentives mechanism that will govern such forces. The mix between those rules and model parameters (token emissions, staking, burning, prices and rewards) will determine the overall stability of the ecosystem. If not done properly, a bad set of rules and parameters could result in an unstable economy that will derive in the collapse of the price of that token.

Why Us


All our models focus around a baseline scenario, but the deliverable will provide you with multiple scenarios and a clear knowledge of which are the levers you can pull in each scenario in order to achieve a sustainable ecosystem for your token


All our models are built so that any possible scenario provides a stable result with a forecast of between 5 to 10 years

Empirically tested

Our models have helped several crypto projects throughout the world and through time. Our survival through different market trends is evidence that the market continues to chose us for a reason


Tokenomics auditing

Complete revision of your tokenomics model, identification of weak spots, possible solutions.

Tokenomics consulting

Complete development of your tokenomics model, supply estimates, demand drivers, vesting schedule, token allocation, word methodological document + video explanation to the model and connection to my network of contacts (venture capital funds, marketing companies, exchanges, etc.)

White paper support

This could vary from a simple entry about your tokenomics model in an existing whitepaper to the complete development of the whitepaper of your project, depending on client’s needs

Our Portfolio

XLT 2.0